Domain 4: Professional Role

- Overview -

The essentials and competencies in the area of Domain 4: The Professional Role of the advanced practice registered nurse were met through the Article Review assignment from course NG 760 Leadership Philosophy.

- Assessment -

  1. Significance to Current Healthcare Environment Research suggests quality of life links to one's health status. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines "health" as a multi-facet concept of being "a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being" (World Health Organization, 1948). The significance of health insurance on one's physical, mental, and social well-being can hugely affect one's quality of life. The ability to afford healthcare prevention and treatment services is empowering. The disparities throughout vulnerable communities in the United States affect health outcomes (Wippold & Roncoroni, 2019). Health outcomes can directly link to the availability of healthcare and health services. Prevention is the best treatment. With the lack of access to health insurance, individuals may not have the opportunity to partake in preventative medicine. These Individuals are less likely to participate in regular medical visitation to their primary care providers (PCPs) or specialists (Wippold, Nmezi, Williams, Butler & Hodge, 2020). There are socioeconomic disparities that currently exist in healthcare. Many factors play a role in the influence of health and wellness. Income, accessibility, and resources may influence health disparities (Nash, Skoufalos, Fabius & Oglesby, 2021).

- Reference -

Nash, D. B., Skoufalos, A., Fabius, R.J., Oglesby, W.H. (2021). Population Health creating a culture of wellness (3 ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Wippold, G.M., Nmezi, N., Williams, J.L., Butler, J., Hodge, T.M. (2020). An Exploratory study to understand factors associated with health-related quality of life among uninsured/underinsured patients as identified by clinic providers and staff. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 11, (1-9).

Wippold, G.M., Roncoroni, J. (2019). Hope and health-related quality of life among chronically ill uninsured/underinsured adults. Journal of Community Psychology 48, 576-589.