Domain 2: The Nurse Practitioner- Patient Relationship

- Overview -

The essentials and competencies in the area of Domain 2: Nurse Practitioner – Patient Relationship area were met through clinical practice. This was achieved in the older adult clinical. This clinical experience allowed for this nurse to experience an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to provide healthcare to the older adult patient. An example of this is the following clinical note on a patient that this nurse provided care for in the clinical setting:

- Assessment -

  1. 70-year-old male established patient presents to the clinic for follow-up treatment of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Pt reports that they have had no major complaints since the last visit. Pts BP recorded as 138/84 during appointment. Pt denies SOB, dyspnea on exertion and pain, Pt reports that they do not participate in exercise but understand the importance of beginning an exercise program. Pt acknowledges the importance of keeping salt intake low and said that they will make every effort to reduce salt and fat intake. Pt denies checking blood pressure at home but acknowledges the importance of doing so. Pt reports that they will make an effort to check their blood pressure and bring it with them on their next visit. Pt acknowledges medication compliance and reports that they take their medication as prescribed.

1. Diagnostic Testing: none at this follow-up visit

2. Pharmacological Tx: Metoprolol Succinate 200mg Tablet Extended release 24 hour, orally once a day, 90 days, Atorvastatin Calcium Tablet 40 mg, 1 tablet, orally once a day, 90 days, Losartan Potassium-HCTZ tablet, 100-25mg, 1 tablet, orally, once a day, 90 days, hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5 mg, 1 tablet in the morning, orally, once a day for 90 days, prasugrel HCL tablet, 10 mg, as directed, orally, daily, 90 days, Amlodipine Besylate Tablet 5 mg 1 tablet, orally, once a day, 90 days.

3. Non-Pharmacological Tx: low sodium diet, exercise program

4. Patient Education: self-monitor BP at home, reduce sodium to 2,300 mg/day, partake in exercise program, low sodium diet.

5. Follow-up: 3 months